Reaching others with the gospel. 

Inspired by the Great Commission, we envision a ministry where college and 20-somethings are equipped to faithfully follow Jesus, reach others with the Gospel, and make disciples everywhere.


We gather together every Tuesday at 6:45-8:15PM to work through sections of the bible together and encourage one another. 

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collegiate impact lifeco

LifeConnection also partners with Collegiate Impact,

a network of gospel-centered, disciple-making college ministries in the Greater Kansas City area. 

Collegiate Impact is a network of gospel-centered, disciple-making college ministries in the Greater Kansas City area. Their mission is to equip and empower kingdom laborers to effectively reach and disciple college students until every campus in Kansas City is saturated with the gospel. We partner with local churches, individuals, and on-campus college ministries at Blue River, Longview UMKC, Maple Woods community colleges to accomplish this.